Learn through active, fun actions, stories & songs!
Jolly Phonics is a program which uses Synthetic Phonics, a multisensory method using letter sounds to teach reading, writing, and grammar in a fun and effective way.
How does it work?
There are 5 key skills to reading & writing:
1. Learning the letter sounds: 42 sounds of English are taught with an action to help remember the letters that represent it.
2. Learning letter formation: How to form and write letters. Cursive (joined up writing) to help with fluency of writing & improve spelling.
3. Blending: Process of saying individual sounds in a word & running them together to make the word (ex. d-o-g & dog).
4. Segmenting – Identifying sounds in words: Listening for sounds in words with rhyming games, poems & jolly songs.
5. Spelling the tricky words using different methods:
a. Look, Cover, Write & Check
b. Say it as it sounds.
c. Mnemonics
d. Cursive writing to improve spelling.
Various resources are used to facilitate learning & teaching important skills, such as storybooks to improve comprehension & understanding of more words.
Location & Scheduling
Classes will be held at Maison des associations in Saint Germain en Laye & SAME club in Mareil Marly . The method is suitable for both English and non-English speaking children from ages 4 to 9.
We have divided the classes into 2 different age groups and offer various time slots. Children will be tested so that they can join the class with the level that corresponds to them.
– Children aged 4 to 6: Monday 17h00 – 18h30 Maison des associations
– Children aged 4 to 6: Tuesday 17h00 – 18h30 SAME club
– Children aged 7 to 9 : Wednesday 17h00 – 18h30 Maison des associations
– Children aged 7 to 9 : Friday 17h00 -18h30 SAME club
– Children aged 7 to 9 : Saturday 9h15 – 10h45 SAME club
– Children aged 4 to 6 : Saturday 11h00 – 12h30 SAME club
For information regarding prices and scheduling, please send an email to contact@sameclub.fr.